September 05, 2024



Hosted by

Joseph Striplin
Salvation and Faith

Sep 05 2024 | 02:15:42


Show Notes

A talk from Elder Barbara about the promises made to us by God

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: You can call him. He's on. Hey, Burke. [00:00:27] Speaker B: Oh, he'll be back. [00:00:30] Speaker A: Now. I don't know why. [00:00:32] Speaker B: Sometimes I guess, like she said, the connections leave. They'll probably come back on. Good morning, Bert. Hopefully you can hear us. They'll try calling you later. Good morning. Bless the Lord. We are going to enter into praise and worship. But as I was sitting there, they had this song. I don't know the name of the choir name the song, but they would sing Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. He is wonderful. He is wonderful. And they kept saying that, you know, it's like the choir sing in the back, hallelujah. Hallelujah. And then they will come in together with this big choir voice and say, he is wonderful. And I said, yes, he is wonderful. He is worthy to be praised. God is great. He is big. And can you imagine that someone who has the power to take life, who has the power to destroy, who commands the winds, the waves, the seas, the mountain, the volcano still says, I love you. However, if you don't listen, you can't be subject to those things. Always remember to think about, like you said, if you don't let go of the sin, when sin is going into the lake, you will go with it because you're still holding on. And so we thank God for his grace, his mercies and his love and his goodness that would hopefully draw people to repentance. So we thank God for that. So we'll open in prayer and then immediately after prayer we will go into praise and worship. Father, we bless your name this morning. And we do remember, oh God, that you are wonderful, you are holy, you are righteous, oh God, and we give glory and honor to your matchless name. We thank you, o God, for who you are the greatest of all the gods. People serve many things, but you are the true and the living God. And we know according to your word that beside you there is none else. We thank you, o God, for your greatness, for your power and for your mercies. In the name of Jesus, we thank you for today. We thank you for waking us up this morning. We thank you that while we were sleeping we had safety. We thank you, O God, for answering our prayers, hearing us and answering us, oh God, we thank you for leading us and guiding us into all truth. We thank you for protecting us, oh God, in the name of Jesus, and providing for our needs. We thank you for the comfort that you give us, oh God, in Jesus name. There are so many things that you do for us that we know and don't know. We just thank you again for being an ever present help, o God, in times of need. In the name of Jesus, your faithfulness is unmatched. No one can do the things that you do, even though we try. We cannot be as good as you. We cannot be as faithful as you. We cannot be as holy or as righteous as you. But that is why we need you, because we fall short. But in you, Father, you fill in the gaps that we need. And we thank you for who you are. In the name of Jesus. So we say hallelujah to your name, almighty God. And we bless you, o God, in the name of Jesus. You are the one who was the one who is right now and the one who is to come, because you are coming soon. So we give you glory, and we give you honor, o God. We thank you, oh God, that the government sits on your shoulders. And even as our government now was getting into a place where we were having shift and change, we give it to you, o God. It seems like a lot to think about. People have emotions and thoughts and everything. But, father, may your will be done and help us to accept your will, whatever it is, in the name of Jesus. And so we bless you and thank you that you would allow us to cast our cares on you because you care for us, oh God, that you would exchange our burdens for yours, because your yoke is easy and your burden is light. So we give it to you, O God, in the name of Jesus. We thank you again, oh God. So we give you our leaders in this nation. We give you this election. We give you other troubles that we as our individuals have on our hearts and in our minds. We give it to you in Jesus mighty name knowing, o God, that you said we could. And we thank you, O God, for your help, for your grace, for taking care of it, and for lightening our load. In the name of Jesus, at this time, O God, as we come together this morning, we acknowledge our sin. You said your word. If we confess our sins to you, you would be be faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So we come this morning acknowledging that we have error in our ways and that we have sinned. And father, we say that we are sorry for the wrong things that we thought, for the wrong things that we said and for the wrong things that we did, and even for times when we were disobedient, where we should have done things and we didn't do it. We are sorry, O God, in the name of Jesus. But oh, how we are grateful, oh God, that you have given us a chance to repent and to fix it, to correct our ways, o God, in the name of Jesus. So we thank you for your word, and we thank you for the spirit of God, your holy spirit that convicts us of sin and encourages us to get back on the path of righteousness. In the name of Jesus. And so we thank you for your presence. We thank you for your hope and your love, your care and your concern. In the name of Jesus. We even thank you for chastening us because the word says you chasten those that you love. So help us to consistently remember, according to your word, that chastening is a sign of love. And so we bless your holy name and we thank you for who you are. Help us to hear what you would have to say to us today. Help us, oh God, to be mindful, O God, and to pay attention to your word. We thank you for, again giving us more wisdom, for giving us insight, for giving us clarity, for answering our prayers and equipping us, o God, for the day and the week ahead. In the name of Jesus. So we thank you again for your faithfulness, and we remember, o God, that you are wonderful. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. [00:06:13] Speaker A: Amen. [00:06:28] Speaker C: I'm paying attention. [00:06:33] Speaker A: You know, God says, you know, you have to, you have to fight against the feeling. You cannot give up. You cannot lie down and play dead because they break on the chair with what you have to stand upon the war. That is why we have the war and we have to stay, stand upon the word and believe, you know. Hallelujah. [00:07:01] Speaker B: Thank you, Lord. [00:07:05] Speaker A: Thank you, Jesus. The other night, I had a dream. I dreamt I was in a church somewhere. And what the lady that I saw was a lady that's going to this chair that I used to go to. And I walked into the church, and I was heart pretty dressed. And Sister Carmen, look at me and tell me what you see different about me. And she said, you dress. I said, no, look. So I walk back, walk forward. I said, look at me. She said, I said, do you not see I'm walking without the pain, girl? [00:07:35] Speaker D: And I woke up. [00:07:37] Speaker A: Then the other thing, the other dream I dreamt is that I said, I can walk now. I'm going downtown and renew my past because I'm gonna ride the bus again. No. And I got on the bus, and I got to a certain point, changed the bus, waiting for the other bus to take me to the office to change my pass, and I woke up anyway. I said, father God, I give you praise because you promised me. I told him, I want Moses strengthened Moses eyesight, because at 120, the Bible said his eyes were not dim and his natural forces were not oblivious. So this is the same God. No, he hadn't changed, so we have to believe him for big time. But, you know, look at Jamaica. Look at Jamaica as he prayed and God changed and read the situation for him, you know, so why not? Why not? I mean, if people, you read the Bible that he did so many things and show the spirits of, why can you not show me? Am I not his. [00:08:45] Speaker C: Cane? Did you have your cane when you. [00:08:48] Speaker B: Got on the two buses? [00:08:49] Speaker A: Say that again. [00:08:50] Speaker C: Did you have your cane when you got on the bus? [00:08:54] Speaker A: No, I was walking. I was walking. You remember telling, I tell you, lady, look at me walking on the cane. So, you know, I see myself walking, going, you know, God promised me. I only have to be patient and wait. Doesn't have my time. I'm only 77. What Caleb said, what Caleb said at 85 years old, he said he felt the same way he felt at 48. Moses sent him to seek out the lambda. You got to believe him because he's a big God. You've got to remember that he created everything and anything you want. God can give you so many. [00:09:38] Speaker B: Yes. You know. [00:09:39] Speaker A: You know, we don't go through some things, but we have to. We have to hold that. We have to be said, be steadfast. We got to be steadfast. You got to pray without ceasing. No matter what the devil tell you is going to throw high. Read. I said to you, but God gives you the armor. We got to pray. We got to suit up because it's a battle. Yes, we fight and we wrestle. Not against the Bible, not against flesh and blood, but people underestimate the power of the devil. But regardless of how much power he has, God created him, you know? God created him. God can disarm him whenever you want. God can do anything. Forget about it, you know. I mean, if it's God's will, what is going to happen is going to happen. [00:10:25] Speaker C: It's going to happen. [00:10:25] Speaker D: It's going to happen. [00:10:26] Speaker A: You know, no matter what we do and what we say, you know, we saddam, we plan for our lives. We want this. We want, we want, we want. But from the time you came out of the mother's womb, even before, God had a plan for, you know, and whose plan did they put to supersede? Hey, hey. But still, you know, he's such a loving God and a much. He said, ask. He said you ask me for what you want and if you walk upright, he's going to desire to get trust him for all of those things. I trust him for all of those things. Let us worship God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. [00:11:06] Speaker B: Hallelujah. [00:11:07] Speaker A: It gives me joy when you see a dream name dream give me joy because I know what to expect. Because I stand on God's promises. If he said it, not me, that he said that and what the word Bible says, not a man that he would lie, you know. Hallelujah. His promises are yes and he will. [00:11:30] Speaker D: Into my chamber be free Holy Spirit, please look me gently as I close the door heavenly lover let your presence flow now Shakina unending is all I long for into my chamber be free Holy Spirit, speak to me gently as I close the door heavenly lover let your presence go now Shukana unending is all I long for shine our ending is all I long for Hallelujah. [00:13:03] Speaker A: Hallelujah. This chorus came to my mind and it's something that we used to sing in church all the time. [00:13:25] Speaker D: The special of my soul breathe me till I lost the Lord fill my love fill it up and make me hope fill my cup Lord, I lift it up come to the blessing of my soul bread of heaven feed me till I lo fill my cup fill it up and let me fill my cup Lord, I lift it up come of my soul breath of heaven feed me till I want the Lord fill my heart fill it up and make me hope. [00:15:31] Speaker A: Oh, hallelujah. Glory to God in the highest. Father, we give you praise. [00:15:36] Speaker B: Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah. [00:15:37] Speaker A: We give you praise. We thank you for your goodness, and we thank you for the Lord. [00:15:41] Speaker B: We thank you, Jesus. Bless the name, Father God, we stand. [00:15:45] Speaker A: Upon your promises for you alone, you alone are worthy. We look to you because you are the author and the finisher of our faith. [00:15:53] Speaker B: Thank you, Father God. [00:15:55] Speaker A: You promised never to leave us, not forsake us. And sin will be with us always. [00:16:00] Speaker B: Thank you, God. [00:16:01] Speaker A: And we give you praise and we give you thanks that we can put our trust in you. [00:16:08] Speaker B: Thank you, Jesus. [00:16:09] Speaker A: With our trust in you, you say, call upon me and have an answer. Thank you, Father God. The teaching ear is waiting for an answer from you. [00:16:17] Speaker B: Thank you, Lord. [00:16:18] Speaker A: We give you praise and we give you thanks because we know, Father God. We know that you see and you hear and you know everything. Hallelujah. You're not oblivious. Things that are happening around us have mercy upon us, Father God. Have mercy as only you can. [00:16:33] Speaker C: Hallelujah. [00:16:34] Speaker A: Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. We give God praise and we give him time because he's almighty God, almighty goddess. [00:16:59] Speaker B: Thank you, Lord. [00:17:01] Speaker A: Jehovah. [00:17:02] Speaker B: Yes, sir. Thank you, Lord. [00:17:03] Speaker A: Jehovah is your name. [00:17:10] Speaker D: Jehovah is your name. Jehovah is your name. Jehovah is your name. Mighty warrior, great in battle. And Jehovah, Jehovah is your name. Jehovah is your name. Jehovah. Mighty warrior, greatest matter and lord, your name. Mighty warrior, great. [00:18:45] Speaker A: Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Is the self existing God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Father, we give you praise. We give you praise. [00:19:01] Speaker D: Thou art worthy, thou art worthy to receive glory, glory and honor. Glory and honor. For thou hast created all things created. And thou hast created our day. And for thy pleasure they are created love. Art thee alone, thou worthy, thou art worthy of hash. Thou art worthy, lord, to receive glory, glory and honor. Glory and honor and faridgesthe. For thou has created all things created. And thou hast created our things. And for that pleasure they are created now hash unworthy alone. And for thy pleasure they are created now unworthy alone. [00:21:43] Speaker B: Thank you, Lord. [00:21:45] Speaker D: I will magnify them. Rock. Blessed me the rock of my salvation around my salvation. [00:22:38] Speaker A: Worthy just for. [00:22:43] Speaker D: Magnify the Lord bless every salvation. Hosanna. Bless every salvation. I will be tired of blessed be the rock of my salvation. O I will bless the light at all times. His grace shall continue even my mouth. My soul shall make her go sincere. The humble shall hear us. O magnify the Lord with me. Let us have consciousness together. For I saw the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears. I will bless the Lord at all. This pray shall continue leaving my life. My soul shall make her voice with me. Oh my, the humble shall be thereof and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me and let exaltedness together. For I Lord, and deliver me from all my together. For eyes of the Lord and delivered me from all my sins. My eyes of the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears. [00:26:01] Speaker B: Hallelujah. Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus. [00:26:10] Speaker D: Jesus, for your love for me. I thank you Jesus, for your grace. For free. I lift my voice to praise your name. I will praise you again. You are my everyday. You are my lord. I thank you Jesus, for your love for me. I thank you Jesus, for your graceful free. I lift my voice to praise your name. I will praise you again and again. You are my everything. Hash. You are my lord, you are my everything. You are my lord, you are my everything. You are my lord. [00:28:14] Speaker A: Lead us, Father God. Whatever you want to hear, put it on our lips today that we can give you the praise that you deserve. In Jesus name. [00:28:21] Speaker B: Hallelujah. [00:28:22] Speaker A: Hallelujah. [00:28:23] Speaker B: Thank you, Jesus. [00:28:24] Speaker A: Hallelujah. [00:28:25] Speaker C: Thank you. Good morning. [00:28:38] Speaker A: Good morning. [00:28:41] Speaker C: Before I read the script here, I just want to share. I had a sort of hard week, and I was very frustrated. I have thrown away my ac because with the ac, I have to take it out the window, put it back in when it's hot. And since I don't have my husband, I said, that's too much. Every minute, my daughter have to come put it in, take it out. So get rid of it. So I'm fine. I want a fan. I just want to make life easy for me, so. But my kids will let me have an easy life. So my other daughter, she decided to buy this little. I think this is like a portable. [00:29:19] Speaker B: Ac. [00:29:22] Speaker C: But the plug that it came with, it don't fit none of the outlets. [00:29:26] Speaker B: Oh. [00:29:26] Speaker C: So I called myself going together. So you need an adapter. So I went, took a picture, showed it to the man in the electronic store. Say, you don't have it. Try here, try it here. Going everywhere. It's hot. I'm sweating, but I'm going. Finally showed it to one guy. He said, yes. Sold me something. I bought it, came home. It don't work. I'm stopping 100 men on my blocks. Nobody can help me. Nobody is willing. Nobody have anything to say. And it made me so angry because I say, my husband helps everybody. There's people who don't even want to offer information or direct me what to do. And I got so angry after asking man after man on my block, and I say, everybody want to talk to you. Everybody want to come up in your house, oh, what are you cooking? How you doing? You know, but nobody wants to help me. And it got me so angry and so frustrated. And I went to my house, and I cried. I was so frustrated. My daughter said, ma, why are you crying? I said, because if your dad was here, I wouldn't go through this. He would know what I need. If he couldn't find it, he would make it, you know? And I said, I'm frustrated that I asked all these men, and nobody was willing. Everybody just want to be smiling in your face like, no. And I literally tell God, God, I'll give you five of them. Just give me back my one. You know, I'm a. She said, ma, you can't do it. I said, yes, because they. No, girl. I said, just, I get five, girl. I'll give you five for one. Send Carl back. You know, and I was literally frustrated the whole day. I just laid in my bed and I cried myself to sleep. So my daughter said, ma, send it to me. I looked it, she got it on Amazon. So I took it back. The piece that I bought, I took it back to the store. I'm like, this is my money. Send me something. After I showed, you said, what's going to work? Why act like I never bought the piece in the store? And I'm like, oh, well, this is all I have, you know? Okay, this is all you have, and that's fine. Here it is. Give me back my money. You know? You know, I came here. Don't act like you didn't sell this to me. Oh, well, um, let me see the plug. I showed you the picture. You choose this and tell me this is what I need. I didn't know what I need, you know, so now I'm angry again, like, no, you won't give me my money. I'm not telling me you don't have the piece. That's fine. I understand that. But, sir, here's what you sold me. Here's my receipt. I need my money back. And I was there forever. He was walking away acting like I wasn't there. I'm like, no, you're going to give me my money. You know, and it's like, to make you want to get out of character, her. And I don't want to be that person. But like, I tell the kids, I said, I feel like since I don't have my husband, I have to fight and claw my way for everything. And that's not who I want to be. But they make you like that. And these men, like my husband, have helped you guys. He has helped all your wives, all your daughters. Like, could somebody offer me some kind of assistance? One guy said to me, oh, you just got to take the whole unit to Home Depot, okay? You live in my building. You have a car. Could you take me to Home Depot? If you need, if you think I have to take the whole thing. If you tell me, get on the bus, that would not be my husband. My husband, he would take it and go to Home Depot. Give me the money, I'll go to Home Depot and get it. He would do it for anybody on the block. And I was just so frustrated. Like I said, I bargained with God. God, I'll give you five of these mendenna that I have encountered today and send me back my husband. That's all I'm asking, God, just send him back. You know? And it's like my daughter, she said, my dad is so wrong. I say, yes, but that's how I felt. I was frustrated, I was angry, you know, I said, that's how I felt. Might have been right, but what are they here for if they're not going to help, if they're not going to offer assistance? Just want to come up in my house. You just want to smile up in my video. You look nice. No, that's not what I want. You know, you guys can't help. You can't do nothing, apparently. So why do I want a man who can't help me do anything, you know? So just like all that to say, like sometimes that's how people just start to worship the devil. Because I say, here, mom, bargaining with God, I'll give you five. Give me back my hands. I could have made that deal with the devil. Like, you know, I give you these five men, I know where to live, I know their names. And, you know, it's like, that's how sometimes people get into these witchcraft and all these other things. And I thank God. Like, I could have checked myself, sleep it off and get up and, you know, and just say, God, I'm sorry, you know, who am I to give somebody tell me to take somebody's life, you know, to give me back my. But it's just so frustrating. And people are here. They are not like Lori would say, they're not people and they're not, you know, they're just all about themselves. They want to come up in your house, lay up in your bed, but you can't fix nothing. What do I need you for? You know. [00:34:45] Speaker A: Many times things happen to me. I'm alone. I don't have a husband. I need. I went at one thing. She don't ask Lori. I said, father God, you know, and then somebody would come and run into. Somebody would come and give me the other side, you know, and they would get it done for me. Look, I was sitting. My step, the rail at the end, the concrete broke and it was like that and the drain old, the thing rocked and it just rot in the rails opening there. And the guy, I gave him a $1,000 online, did a few things and never came down. I don't know what is with me and this man. I don't know why. Like, I don't know if the devil is keeping him away from doing things. I don't know what. But I decided not to bother him the other day. I said, I said. [00:35:27] Speaker D: College, school. [00:35:28] Speaker A: And he said, mister, I'm in Belize. I came to Belize. I'm not coming back till June. I said, okay. I just check in and say, yes, you would. Also June came this. He probably came back near for calling me. And every day attempted to call him, come and wait until this place they call him, and then I call him. But I was sitting on the step one day and there's a guy, a spanish guy that lives in the street. He does. I work and all that. So I saw he was repairing this wind. So I called him right in front of me. I was sitting on a step in park riding. I said, papi, he said, come and come. I said, look, you see the thing? Can you fix it? To me? He said, yes. The gate did lock on. The gate had a problem, and ask him, charge you 7700 or something. He was going to charge me to do. But then I remember the gate where the car goes into. It was uneven. They couldn't close, you know, and, and then you had to drink. So when I remember asking, I said, can you fix. He said, he said, you change the raid, put sturdier ones, and then you fix it. And concrete a place. You fix the gate, fix the gate. Now the gate can close it, fix the lock. Then you get up and sit in the master, put it on that drain hole. If you see the steel that he put. And he fixed everything for me and he said, oh, I'm trying to figure out, even if you don't drive without question, because I couldn't do it myself. And he came to Saturday and spent. [00:37:00] Speaker D: It and did everything. [00:37:02] Speaker A: Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. You know, it comes apart right in front of me. I sit in any park right there, you know, right there, you know, that's how God works, you know. [00:37:15] Speaker C: So that had me frustrated when one thing upset me is like, I know I take it all into the whole rest of the week it's one day, but then the whole rest of the days, I'm just like playing it back in my head, you know? But on a brighter note, my two daughters have gotten jobs that they're happy with, and I thank God for that. Cindy is really ecstatic and everything is going good. She's going to have two days remote from home after. After two months, she's going to get her two days to work home and three days in the office if she so choose to do it. And my younger daughter, she's going to do Fridays at home and, which is something she wanted. And I had told she had bought a computer desk, but she was putting everything on the desk. And I said, you want to work from home? You need to clear the desk. Just put your computer, set it up so God could see you want to work from home. So she's excited. And I just thank God that they listen and, you know, like, they can talk back things to me. Like, ma, you said, we must pray. We must do this. Like, shut up, don't listen to me, you know, so they talk back what I tell them, and I thank God for that, that they know to pray. I've been telling them, pray for each other. Like, I'm not always going to be here. You guys have to know to pray for yourself and to pray for each other. So the been doing that, and God has been opening doors to my two girls, so I'm thankful for that. So I'm going to read Philippians two, verse 13, and it says, for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do his good pleasure. And when I researched it, I like the definition that they give. They say, paul is saying in these two areas which God operates in the life of the believer. First, God works in us to will his good pleasures. This include the idea of placing desires or leading a believer to serve the Lord. And secondly, God will works in us to work for his good pleasure. God's spirit in the believer give both the desire and the strength to live for the Lord and to work. That's what work is. It's like really living for God. So it's like we not really, as I take it, we're not really doing nothing. God is the one who has deposited everything in us, his desire, and we just need to work it out because he already placed it in there. We're not looking for anything. It's all in there by him. He has given it to us to work it out for his good pleasures, not for bad, not for evil, but for good. Amen. [00:40:07] Speaker B: Amen. Would you help finding it? [00:40:24] Speaker C: Yes. [00:40:25] Speaker B: I'm sure Barbara can help you. You may be seated. Good morning again, and welcome to the Sunday service of salvation and faith. As we remember, it's August. Today is August 11, 2024. Don't remind us next September from happy new year to September. I'm still confused, but it is going by quickly. The more I talk to some people and students at work and how's your summer? They said, what summer? It was just, it's gone. And I'm like, yeah. And I said, I hate to bring your day down, but the older you get, the faster it goes. Just an observation, you know. So I said, you know, just enjoy as best you can. But, you know, it does go by quickly. So it's not just you. Everyone feels that. So I'm just going to go ahead into the announcements. Of course. We're currently in our Sunday service Monday. Tomorrow's Monday at 06:00 p.m. there will be the online Bible study using the free conference line. If you're interested in joining, please contact the ministry so that you can get the information to join Tuesday evening via Zoom at 07:00 p.m. so Mondays at six, but Tuesdays at seven we have our online prayer, which is via Zoom. And it's the same Zoom information as our Sunday service. Wednesday evening there is a class in Creole. So if you know anyone whose primary language is Creole and they're interested in learning the Bible being part of something that's in Creole, you can notify them that Wednesday evenings at seven, there's a class in Creole. She's not on vacation. [00:42:03] Speaker D: Is she still here? [00:42:04] Speaker A: No, she's on vacation. [00:42:06] Speaker B: Oh, so this week? No, I had the stuff said to me. I'm announcing it. But I mean, she's been here so long, like, did she take a break yet? So she's going to vacation. Okay. [00:42:14] Speaker A: We'll start up again in September. [00:42:17] Speaker B: Okay. All right. So our, our wonderful teacher, minister Mercy is on vacation, which I'm happy for those. Exactly. But that is the plan, that when she does return and we start back up that Wednesday evening class in Creole, it will be Wednesday evenings at seven and Saturday morning at 1130, both in person and via our Zoom line. There is also Bible study. So if you're interested in joining via Zoom or if you're able to come out in person at 11:30 a.m. you can do so again. If you are interested in getting the information or if you're looking to be a teacher or want the information to give someone, you can please contact the ministry. The ministry phone number is 929-420-6605 that's 929-420-6605 you can also send an email to the email address. It is [email protected] dot. So if you're interested and you know anyone else who might be interested in that, we also have the purple pocketbook coming up, I think in October or so in the fall. You said it was. Yeah. So later on in the fall we'll have the purple pocketbook project, which is where we collect toiletries and hygienic items and other things for women. And we also collect items that men can use because people need. And we visit, it's just one particular shelter we work with, not more than one. It's more than one, right? [00:43:45] Speaker C: There's one, right. [00:43:46] Speaker B: So there's one shelter that we're working it. So I think the plan is in October to visit the shelter and provide them some physical items that they need and also use that as a way to offer salvation. Talk to them about the Lord. We also have little bibles and traps that we also give the people. So if there's anything you would like to donate along those lines, whether it's finances or your time or it's going to the dollar store, the dollar 25 tree is no longer a dollar. Okay. The dollar and a quarter tree. If you're interested in buying some things, please check with us to see what we need. And we would love donations. I think also as we're heading, I know some schools start this month, some charter schools are, some kids are probably going back tomorrow, I don't know. But we will have a back to school drive as well where we are packing book bags and items for children in the area and so on. So again, if you are interested in assisting in any way that, please contact us and let us know and the leadership will let you know how you can step in and assist. Are there any other announcements at this end? [00:44:46] Speaker A: No. [00:44:48] Speaker B: Okay. God bless you all. I'm going to now go into tithe and offering, so I'm going to read a scripture. If you need an envelope, let us know. And if not, then you can give electronics electronically to the ministry. And technology has come a long way that we can still do that. So you can either go on the ministry website, which is, and you could on the homepage click the donate to the work of salvation and faith button. Once you click that, it will show you how to give electronically. Or you can use Zelle if you have the app on your phone. The phone number again is 929-4206 the scripture I'm going to read today is coming from Luke chapter ten, chapter 16, verses ten to twelve. So that's Luke 1610 to twelve. And this is what the King James version says. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much, and he that is unjust in the least will also be unjust in much. So there's a pattern there. However you start out, if you keep that habit when things, you know grow, that is how you are going to behave it. Then says, if therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon who will commit to your trust true riches. And if you have not been faithful in that which is another man's who will give you that which is your own?

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